Wednesday, October 24, 2012

(Updated) Daily Quick Sketch: 'Rilla Before and After

(Update - Adding colored version 10-24-2012)
Wrapping up a series of simian characters, this is a quick Gorilla sketch. I wanted to time myself to go quickly from sketch to digital inking.

Quickly inking, you can see the changes made especially with the face/eyes area. It's a completely different looking ape now, in fact the inked version looks like an older gorilla then the pencil sketch. Showing how the slightest of changes makes a difference.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

(Update - Color) Daily Quick Sketch: Pencil Monkey

Another simian sketch of a playful flipping chimp.

Digitally colored and drop shadow filtered.
This was done with pencil on a Dura-Lar sheet.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Daily Quick Sketch Before & After: 'Tang

Been awhile since I posted.
With last week's NYC Comic Con and my current workload making Halloween costume designs . . . I've been pretty much exhausted. 
I'll try to get back into doing more things for the blog on a regular basis.

This post is one of several ape sketches I have been playing around with. I named this character 'Tang, because of the constant correction that people want to enforce on the animal's name lately. The confusion is that the name can be spelled ORANGUTAN or ORANGUTANG, but that "g" at the end is actually silent.

Personally, I think pronouncing the "g" at the end is more fun and more in character with the animal. Mostly because it brings me back to the orange space drink "Tang" when I was a kid and it rhymes with cool words like boomerang. But it's also one of those annoying English-language-breaking-the-rules kinda words with a silent "G".
The English language is full of rules that always have exceptions for no reason.

So go on, and break the rule of the broken English rule and say Orangutang with a "G" sound at the end! 
And when some smarty-pants tries to correct you - simply turn to them and say, "Oh! I suppose I'm should say boomeran instead of boomerang too, eh?!! In your FACE!!!"
Then walk away.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Bobby's Biggest Bubble: Now available online

Bobby's Biggest Bubble in now available online for purchase at Etsy and eBay!
There will be more marketing locations added in the coming months, but for now I need to control the amount of books being sold until I receive the bulk of my shipment in a few weeks.

eBay, Etsy, and other online book outlets are no longer linked to the book.
This is mostly due to cost and maintaining inventory.
You can still purchase the book via Paypal (at the lowest price with free shipping.) and with Amazon (which costs more because Amazon wants a larger cut of the sale.)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Bobby's Biggest Bubble: 1st Shipment of the Books have Arrived!

Books are in, and they look great!
Mailing out to KickStarters begins Thursday Oct, 4th.
New orders for the book will available in a few weeks in the middle of October; I'll be sure to provide links to where the book will be sold.

First shipment arrives and looks fantastic

Closer look at the bookmarkers

Showing the white bubble wrapped packet and it's contents going out to KickStarters


Monday, October 1, 2012

Daily Quick Sketch: Before & After Adventure Time

Below is a little Fan Art image of one of my favorite cartoons shows: Adventure Time.
Quick digital inking and color: Adventure Time!!!

Before: Pencil Sketch

Monday, September 24, 2012

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Daily Quick Sketch: Gabby the Rooster

Few people wrote saying that they like seeing the pencil sketches because it shows the thought process to the final drawing.  I'll start tossing a few pencil sketches and sometimes show the pencil-ink-color comparisons from now on.

Below is Gabby, a rooster character I've been thinking about for some time.
I want to do a collective book of short tales that follow in the steps of Rudyard Kipling's "How the . . . " tales. (e.g. Elephant's got his trunk, Camel's got his hump, etc.)

In this particular story, it will answer the question, "Why does the Rooster crow in the morning?"
Gabby with his beak taped shut