This song was inspired by the Crosby, Stills Nash and Young style from the '70s.
The song reflects on my past, a friend, and the night John Lennon died.
I was 16 at the time, totally absorbed with music -- as I had been since the age of 12. Any money I was making (or given) was going into buying records (or instruments).
So Long (Classic Rock CSNY)
Flashing back to a bus ride going home after Jr. Highschool, a friend introduced me to a Beach Boys fan. The three of us would talk of our favorite songs and albums, only to find out we were all complete Beatles fans. From then on, that Beach Boy fan and I hung out everyday, listening to old and new music, dreaming of starting a band and writing our own songs.
Years later, the night of Dec. 8th, 1980, would change the world as we knew it (as much as a 16-year-old could comprehend). I still remember that night. I heard someone confirm Lennon's time of death on TV. It was late. Still, I had to call my friend.
His mother answered the phone; she was awoken. I apologized, then told her what had happened -- I said I needed to talk to her son. She understood -- I waited as she went to wake up my friend. Minutes later, he picked up the phone confused. She didn't tell him what happened -- so I did, and told him to put on channel 7. We both watched the news, not saying a word for what seemed to be an hour. We both broke down, breaking the rule of never letting someone know you were crying -- but it didn't matter. Nothing did.
I still remember that night clearly. It changed much in me. Changed my view of all things.
This Dec. 12, 2024, will mark the 10th year of that friend's passing, so these things have been on my mind. Whenever I hear of Lennon being remembered on Dec. 8th, it reminds me of my friend who died so close to that date.
This song is for you Rich.
Created using UDIO's AI technology
Music: "So Long (Classic Rock CSNY)" — lyrics and prompt arrangements by Jim Romer
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