Thursday, December 21, 2023

My first AI Image (Precursor to My Top 10 AI 2023 list)

It's been less than a year since I began exploring AI-generated imagery. My journey started when I joined MidJourney on February 16. For my initial attempt, I asked my wife for an actor and character combo; she suggested Ryan Gosling as Mr. Rochester from "Jane Eyre." The result was my first MidJourney creation.

My first generated image with MidJourney

A half-minute later, several images following the prompt description appeared. Everything I knew about creating and sourcing inspiration was about to change. In the following weeks, Midjourney would upgrade to version 5.0, drastically altering the level of image detail. I absorbed as much information about AI I could find, and started seeing ways to use it as a major tool for my work as a Product Designer. 

Eventually, I added and ChatGPT to my roster a month later, along with many other free AI services. and tools. Improvements, methods and tools were popping up every week. 

But enough history, let’s begin the 2023 list . . . head to the next post!