Friday, February 7, 2025

An ARGH! Tune: Strange Signals (Classic New Wave/Dance-Pop)

This one was a blast, especially when everything started coming together. This is my tribute song to The B-52s, which was a fun band with great, hooky songs that were so original and yet also had a Retro 50's/Beach Party vibe and style. Their songs were weird. Their vocals had character.

Strange Signals (Classic New Wave/Dance-Pop)

So when I do these inspired songs based on bands' music - I start with the story. What story can I tell that would seem to fit into that band's playbook (or should I say setlist)? I know The B-52's have done a couple of alien-related songs, and "Planet Claire" is one of my favorite songs. So an alien song...

I thought an alien invasion would be fun, but the twist is they came here to create their own dance club. 

My play on words in this song could go a few ways: 

1.) Aliens are fun and friendly with a great dance club.  -- or --
2.) They are sinister, hypnotizing humans using strange radio signals (hence the screams and moans). There's a third take too.
3.) The singer is possibly attracted to the alien, and the alien is reciprocating, giving her strange vibes, feelings... signals.
Your pick!

**** For those interested ****
I also made a slightly longer version of this song. It's unlisted, so it cannot be seen on my channel, but it can be seen here with this link:

Created using and Audition for touch-up
Music:"Strange Signals" lyrics and arrangement by Jim Romer

Want to hear more of my songs? Link: